Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bittersweet Hatred

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to not love at all. Fuck that. I wish I never met your ass. You played me, used me, and abused me. I should have seen it coming but I was too stubborn. How could you do that to me? I took care of you; comforted you and was always there to support you. You scum. I hope the worst things in life happen to you because you deserve it. You suck. I hope your kids suffer due to your sins. You loser. I hope unfortunate events happen to you so that you can suffer for the rest of your life. You broke my heart and you could have cared less. You chose him over me. Good luck with that. You do not realize it now but you have lost the best thing in your life. I hope you regret and suffer from your decision until you are six feet under. I hate you. You make me sick.


  1. I can appreciate a healthy free write but this is a bit over the top babe.
    I do love you
    = )

  2. I guess it was a little over the top, I think that was the goal though. Didn't even read it before I posted it

  3. hey check out my blog @
